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2000 INTERNATIONAL WORKSTAR 7600 Demountable Trucks
(VAT applies to buyers in South Africa)
Demountable trucks get their name from their ability to mount and demount the body from the truck, which saves time on deliveries as one body can simply be swapped for another.
Read More (Demountable Trucks)Used to deliver food, beverages, paper supplies, construction and landscaping materials, furniture, and more, demountable trucks get their name from their ability to mount and demount the body (sometimes called a swap body) from the truck. Thus, rather than having to wait for the body to be unloaded upon delivery, the driver can demount the body, load another pre-loaded body, and be on the way. Similarly, warehouses can preload demountable bodies throughout the day, leaving them standing on the four folding legs typically integrated until they’re ready to be hauled.
Demountable trucks can save companies time, reduce overtime pay and other labor-related costs, increase driver productivity in terms of making more deliveries per day, and potentially lessen the need to own and maintain specialty trucks due to a demountable truck’s ability to attach different bodies, including refrigerated, dump, curtain side, flatbed, and dry van bodies.
Manufactures of new and pre-owned demountable trucks include DAV, IVECO, MAN, Mercedes-Benz, and Scania. Additionally, some dealers and manufacturers can convert existing trucks to demountable models.