MAN Truck & Bus has been collaborating with Deutsche Bahn, Fresenius University of Applied Sciences, and Götting KG to develop an efficient system using autonomous trucks in logistics operations. As part of the ANITA (Autonomous Innovation in Terminal Operations) project, Fresenius University recently completed a comprehensive analysis that lays the scientific groundwork for fully automated hub-to-hub transport at intermodal container depots and transshipment terminals.
“In order to use autonomous trucks in logistical processes, it is important to understand the typical operational requirements and to consider the necessary interfaces at an early stage,” says MAN Truck & Bus Head of Advanced Development of Electronics, Andreas Zimmermann.
Digitisation & Automation Key
Germany’s new Autonomous Driving Act legalized the use of technically supervised self-driving vehicles in particular areas, such as on routes between depots and terminals.
“Fixed routes between logistics hubs are ideal for autonomous trucks operation and are therefore a focal point for MAN in its efforts to develop autonomous driving systems,” Zimmermann says.
Researchers at Fresenius University studied the behaviour of people and machines at the DB Intermodal Services container depot and the DUSS (Deutsche Umschlaggesellschaft Schiene-Straße mbH) terminal in Ulm Dornstadt. They converted said behaviours into digital processes and sets of rules in order to map out a system in which driverless trucks can coexist with human workers and communicate with the facilities as they carry out their tasks.
“Digital system control allows the driverless truck to be integrated smoothly into the terminal's logistical processes,” says Fresenius’ Head of the Institute for Complex Systems Research, Prof Dr Christian T. Haas. “Unlike humans, an automated system cannot improvise or bend the rules; there must be a clear instruction for action for every situation.”
Toward A Turnkey Solution
The Fresenius team also studied the logistical processes in place at other German DB container terminals to identify ways to make the future system adaptable to various facilities.
“Our goal here is to start using autonomous trucks and minimise any necessary adjustments to the infrastructure, as these are usually costly and take a lot of time,” Haas says. “This makes it as easy and cost-effective as possible to put the technology to use in the real world.”
Next Steps
With the process analysis stage of the ANITA project completed, MAN and Götting can begin to develop mission planning software using contract specification language developed by Deon Digital. After the development and implementation phase, the software and an autonomous MAN truck—with a safety driver on board—will begin testing in real-world operations in Ulm.
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Source: MAN